White or yellow, fresh or matured, cheese is among the most traditional, consumed and adored foods of humanity. Whether in its pure form, as a snack to accompany a good glass of wine, or even to incorporate sweet and savory recipes, the vast diversity of types, aromas and flavors of this delicacy always brings a touch of charm, elegance and sophistication at meals. However, with so many options available at cheese lover shop, do you know which is the healthiest?
How is pure quality cheese made?
Made from the coagulation of milk, cheese is a natural source of nutrients for our bodies. Its composition includes elements such as calcium, phosphorus, proteins and vitamins, essential for the proper functioning of the body. According to nutritionists, the best way to identify the nutritional quality of cheese is through its color. Generally, the more whitish the less greasy they are. White cheeses are the best options, such as cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, as they contain less coloring, are rich in proteins and low in fat.
Cottage Cheese
Known for its low calorie and fat content, the cottage is at the top of the list for healthy eating. 50 g of the product has only 49 kcal and only 3.9% of our daily fat requirement. The food is also responsible for providing B vitamins and healthy fats to our body, helping to reduce the risk of breast cancer. The cottage is also a good tip for pregnant women and athletes, as it has a good amount of calcium.
Ricotta Cheese
Made from whey, ricotta is also low in calories. It has a low sodium concentration and is rich in calcium, improving the bone system and strengthening teeth. Ricotta also increases muscle mass, making it an ally to fitness. The food also has the presence of vitamins A, D, E and B and minerals such as zinc, iodine, selenium, potassium and phosphorus.
Minas Cheese
“A combination of flavor, low calorie content and good calcium concentration – it is what that best describes minas cheese. Despite being slightly more caloric than ricotta and cottage cheese, minas cheese has only 22% of daily saturated fat requirements. Rich in calcium, vitamin A, vitamin D and B, besides minerals such as phosphorus, minas cheese help fight hypertension and diabetes, stabilize blood pressure, regulate glucose absorption and help balance weight.
General information
There are more than 2,000 varieties of cheese in the world and each one is unique. They are made from milk that can be goat, cow, sheep, mare, camel and even yak. For vegetarians, you can even find soy or tofu versions. The cheese contains a high percentage of protein (up to 25%), fat (up to 60%), calcium, zinc, folic acid and phosphorus, elements that are digested better than in milk. It also improves digestion, stimulates appetite and favorably affects the endocrine system. The large amount of vitamins A, D, E, B1, B2, B12, C and PP will help make up for the lack of these elements in your body. Goat and sheep milk cheeses appeal to people with lactose intolerance and can vary in the amount of calories and fat.